Welcome to Ithika Acres

Ithíka Acres was born out of a passion for animals and always trying something new. Since the early 2000’s goats have always been a part of our family, and an important one at that. Before we started the creamery we knew we wanted to utilize these goats in a new way that would allow us to produce something people were searching for in today’s market. What we found was a need for an alternative to common dairy products. Through experience with farming and our newfound knowledge of the benefits of goat products, Ithíka Acres Creamery was born. We want to create a truly amazing product that benefits more than just your taste buds while creating a farm life where our goats can thrive.

Ithika Products

At Ithíka Acres Creamery we are extremely proud of our goat’s milk cheeses, but we offer so much more! Check out our shop to view our goat’s milk fudge, soaps, and lotions. We also have gift cards and gift baskets available if you’re looking to share our great products with someone special!


We want you to join in on all the fun we have planned, so check out our calendar for a list of events and where you can find us!

Our Story

Ithíka Acres was born out of a passion for animals,
and always trying something new.


Check out some of our favorite recipes and see how we incorporate our products into meals the whole family can enjoy!